gnotepad+ older news
May 6th, 1999 - development is slowing down.
Greetings, gnotepad+ fans and users:
As you might have noticed, development
on gnotepad+ (gnp) has slowed down in the last couple of months.
This is *not* because I have lost interest. Some of it can be attributed
to a slight lack of time, but the plain truth is that gnp has reached its
limit. Keep in mind that one of gnp's goals is that it is supposed
to be an easy-to-use and simple, text editor.
That means it is not meant to be:
a programmer's text editor (although you could
probably use it to write simple code)
a word processor
Consequently, there are a number of "major"
features people have asked for which are not present:
syntax highlighting and/or multiple text colors.
(see #1 above)
ability to have multiple fonts within the
same document (see #2 above)
WYSIWYG HTML editing (see #3 above)
plugins, which are a totally useless "feature"
for a text editor.
So here are my suggestions, if you are looking
for a GTK-based program which serves as:
a programmer's editor: try Vim (
Yes, Vim has a GTK interface. There is even a patch for very basic
GNOME support too. I helped with
the GTK interface to Vim, and still actively add/fix things to it.
a word processor: you can try AbiWord,
though it's far from functional. There's also a feeble attempt at
an office suite for GNOME, but it's
nowhere close to being useful or ever finished.
a WYSIWYG HTML editor: unfortunately, there
is none at the present, and I don't know if there is anyone working on
such a thing.
I may start writing a WYSIWYG HTML editor
using GTK some time this summer, since it's an idea that's been floating
around in my head, but I don't guarantee anything.
In the meantime, I will continue to support
gnotepad+, and fix bugs as they are found/reported. But as for new
features, they will be fewer and further between because of the reasons
as outlined up above.
If you have any questions and/or comments,
please let me know.
Last updated on May 6th,
1999 by Andy Kahn.
© 1998 Andy Kahn. All rights